If you spend some time on Etsy you will find that there is an amazing amount of creative talent out there. I'm sure Etsy doesn't even scratch the surface, but even so, I am overwhelmed. I love clothes! Since moving to Vermont, you wouldn't know it to look at me. Frankly, if my hair is brushed and I have something on my feet, that's a well-dressed day. I sometimes bemoan the fact that living out in the country there are so few places to go that require much more than a pair of jeans and some Muck boots. That doesn't mean I have stopped dreaming, or perusing the sites of those more fashion wise than me. You never know when I just may need to give myself an overhaul and visit the city. So, in the back of my mind, I keep talented fashion designers in a spot that I can easily retrieve should the occasion arise.

Marie's designs are showcased under her independent label "Malam." The style is very distinctive. Her designs range from gloves and gauntlets to wedding gowns and everything in between.

She has a wide range of dresses and coats, many of which feature her signature extra-long or flared sleeves and goblin hoods. She has a certain knack for making things fun, flirtatious and feminine all at the same time.

Her designs are very limited edition or often one-of-a-kind because she uses fabrics she finds in very limited quantities and often dyes or embellishes them to make something even more new and unique. If you see something you like but have a different fabric in mind, Marie will even take custom orders. She is willing to work with you to create something original that you are guaranteed to love.

Did I mention, her clothes are shown in castles?! REALLY!

Not only does Marie design her own clothes, she also models most of them. The resulting pictures are simply fabulous! And wouldn't you know, her fiance'(I am picturing a fabulous wedding dress in Marie's near future!), Yann, is a professional photographer:

He is responsible for most of the photography, featuring Marie in artful poses, bringing out the artfulness of Marie's style (he also models from time to time, and obviously is quite smashing himself!).

I'll leave the rest of you with some more photos of Marie's wonderful fashion style.

Please go over to her Etsy site, her website, and her blog, and check out all she has to offer. It will be well worth your time, I promise.

Thanks, Marie, for offering the world a chance to dress in style!