It feels like it has been months since I last blogged! In reality, I think only weeks, but even though summer is just about starting, it feels like it has already gone and practically passed me by, for some reason. Maybe it's because we had such lovely weather in May here in Vermont, and now all of June has been pretty much rain! I am really, really not very productive in summertime, creatively speaking. I generally do lots and lots in winter and then maybe a little the rest of the year. Which is why there hasn't been much posting going on here. I am happy to report, though, that my house is cleaner than it has been in a long time. Doing any artwork would certainly just mess that minor achievement up, and so maybe I'll just sit and admire the house for a while longer before I get busy on any projects :)

I've actually got a few doll pictures to share with you, but I'm going to save them for next week and just post some pictures of my weekend "vacation" with John and our kids (these really are boys, though the hair may confuse you) in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Lovely town, lots to do. We were there for just the weekend, and though it was mostly warm, it rained there, too! One of my husband's friends claims that it is all our hair that has blocked out the sun in these pictures (though we can't really claim that for John), but I can see that we really do need a hair stylist around here! And what's worse - all this humidity just gives me giganto hair and it almost can't be helped :) We did get to see the Atlantic coastline in a bit of New Hampshire and Maine, and took a lighthouse tour and walked around Fort Constitution.

The kids hung out in the pool of our hotel a bit, and we ate a lot. So all in all, it was about what a weekend vacation can be expected to be. Hope you all are having much better weather where you are!