Last week my sister sent me one of those Flat Stanley paper dolls that school children send around to see where the thing will travel and to get postcards and letters back in the mail from various locales around the world. This one came from Kent, Washington from a first grader named Madison. It's a fun little paperdoll, and the teachers may not realize they are possibly inspiring future doll artists with this venture :)

I did my best to take some photos of the surrounding environment and also had Stanley hang out with the girls.

We had a snow storm this past weekend. I think we must have received 2 feet total between then and last night. First time the plow guy has come since early January. This is a rarity in Vermont, to have so few plow visits. He came twice on the weekend, so we knew for sure there was snow.

It's been a super mild winter, and in all honesty I can't complain. I am really quite ready for spring, and would welcome it tomorrow if it came. The sheep, Albert and Flash, are kind of ready for spring as well. They are pretty much left with trails and no grass while they await the sun to warm their pen.

Crossing fingers and wishing you all an early spring! Just in case it doesn't thaw soon, I am sending Stanley down to Ohio. It's probably already spring there :)