Yesterday I finished 2 really fun custom Blythes I did in a kind of collaboration with my friend Jean. How it went was, she sent me 2 dolls (both SBL Blythes - 1 Bow Wow Trad, 1 Night Flower). I customized both of them and will send her back one and keep the other. They will be sisters forever.

It all started with a blonde mohair scalp root I did. I went to put it up on Blythe Kingdom for sale. Jean saw it. She really liked it. Somehow in the midst we got talking about customizing some of her dolls. I unlisted the scalp on BK and decided it would be used for a doll for Jean. In the meantime, she sent me 2 dolls instead of 1. I decided to do 2 dolls as sisters. We would call them the "Serendipity Sisters" and they would have virtuous names. Groupies is what we decided would be their story, so they would have to have cute and sexy costumes and long wild hair. I did a second root in a butterscotch mohair color for the second doll.

Upon seeing that hair, Jean decided that *that* was the hair for her. Not the blonde after all. So, the blonde goes to me, the butterscotch goes to her.
Putting together the dolls has taken about 2 weeks. It's been really fun to do. I gave the blonde (Faith) a tad more glamorous look, with heavy lower lid eyelashing, and the redhead (Hope) a more wide-eyed slightly younger sister look. I think both are pretty and I am very happy with the way they came out.

Yesterday, after putting their new clothes on and checking them over carefully, I decided to take some green-screen photos of them and put them into various rock and roll concert scenes. I think they are really funny. Tomorrow Hope will go to Jean. Faith will be staying behind with me. Hopefully they will still be able to meet up for concerts!