I've been busy this past couple of weeks. I've set about to change around my Etsy Shop and add in some of the things I really love to make. I still like making hats, but I have made so many of them, that I am losing steam. It is really important to me to make something different each time I make something.

I don't like to repeat myself, and often I can't, even when I try. I want every single person who buys my wares to have something unique. Something that no one else has. What I love about the Blythe dolls is that they are all the same, but each is so very different. Sometimes that doesn't make sense, but it seems to be true. Especially with the customized dolls, which are my favorites. People taking photographs of their dolls all have their own style. Every picture, every doll, is different somehow. I love that.

I like to make things from scratch and just see what I come up with. I tend to do the same thing with cooking. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. But, for me, it is how my creative impulse works. If I have a clear idea ahead of time of what I want to make, it seems pointless to me to make it. I won't be surprised.

I like the element of surprise, and that's why I make things. To surprise myself. I put sort of random things together and I want to be surprised at how they come out. Some of the surprises I am more happy with than others. That is human nature, I suppose. In the end I am just pleased that anything came out at all.

So, I have been making lots of things. I spent a week making leather masks. I had never done that before. It surprised me. It was fun. I even sold some. This past 2 weeks I have spent making little dresses for Blythe. They are really something. Each one is different. Each one is interesting on its own. Together, they make a collection of so many different dresses it amazes me.

I set a goal to make at least 1 dress a day, and usually 2. I have no idea what I will make when I start out. I have a lot of silk. I love using silk. I dye it up first in shades that also surprise me, and I put it together into tiny dresses that I think Blythe collectors will love to have their dolls wear. People who have my dresses say they love them even more when they have them in their hands. I leave out a lot of the details (I rarely show the back of the dress, for instance) when I photograph them. I want the buyer to be surprised when they open the box. The element of surprise is something that drives me. I love it when people are surprised in a good way.

Stop by my shop periodically and see what I am up to. Hopefully you will see something you like. Maybe you will be inspired to try something new today. I hope so.